
蘇基朗 教授 ( 項目主持人 )

香港中文大學歷史系教授, 協理副校長及教務長

林琿 教授 ( 項目協同主持人 )


譚家齊 ( 研究項目統籌主任及研究員 - 資料搜集及整理)


黃頌詩 ( 項目技術統籌員及研究助理 - 系統設計及製作)



The Research Team
Prof. Billy K.L.So (Principal Investigator)
Professor, Department of History,
Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Registrar,
The Chiinese University of Hong Kong
Prof. Hui Lin (Co-Investigator)
Professor, Department of Geography and Resource Management,
Director, Joint Laboratory for GeoInformation Science,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mr. Tam Ka Chai (Project Coordinator and Principal Researcher)
Swire Scholar & Doctoral Student
Oxford University
Ms. Wong Chung Sze, Wendy (Technical Support and Research Assistant)
Research Assistant, Joint Laboratory for GeoInformation Science,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong