
「 晚明松江地區歷史地理信息系統數據庫 」(Historical GIS Database on the Songjiang Region in late Ming China) 的取材對象,是 1550 至 1644 年之間的松江地區。所謂松江地區約為今日的上海市而不包括崇明島,在晚明屬於松江府(華亭縣、上海縣、青浦縣)和蘇州府嘉定縣的管治範圍。本項目的首個目的,是要確定明清時代松江地區鎮市的精確位置。在得悉所有鎮市的位置後,以它們為線索,輔以寺廟、學校、交通路線和地貌等資料,重構明代縣、鄉以下,松江府的 「 保 」和嘉定縣的「都」級行政區範圍,以之作資料輸入的平台。然後再以「保」、「都」的面積,以及各保和都的人口、賦役數字、寺廟學校的分佈資料輸入製成本數據庫。基於這些數據並利用地理 訊息系統 強大的運算和展示功能,期望可以作出各種綜合分析,探討本地區保和都之內棉業結構、人口分佈、交通運輸、城鎮佈局、宗教發展和教育水平等情況,及各因素之間的互動關係。

除此以外,我們亦視本數據庫為先導計劃( Pilot Project ),期望透過採用精細的底圖,先定點後畫線的方法,以及對方志文獻資料的掌握運用,對未來有關府級歷史地理,以及劃定縣級以下行政區的GIS 計劃,在系統設計的方法上起拋磚引玉的作用。


The Dataset: A Brief Introduction

The scope of data collected for this Historical GIS Database on the Songjiang Region in Late Ming China was confined to the Region of Songjiang between 1550-1644. The Region of Songjiang as defined in this study refers to a geographic area covering the modern Shanghai Municipality with the exception of the Chongming Island. This area was under the jurisdictions of Songjiangfu prefecture and of Jiading county (belonged to Suzhoufu prefecture) in late Ming times. The primary objective of this project was to identify the locations of towns and cities in Ming and Qing times. Based on this information, together with reference to other location data on temples, schools, trade routes, topology, etc., we have reconstructed the estimated boundaries of sub-county level administrative units of bao or du. To these polygons of sub-county units, we distributed the data of population, taxation quota, temples, schools, and so on, and created a dataset. It is hoped that the GIS system would enable further data-processing of the dataset in order to explore such issues as cotton textile industry, population patterns, transportation, urban systems, religious and education patterns, among others. With careful design, the system should also be able to shed light on the interplay among these factors.

In addition, this dataset was also taken as a pilot project to inform future historical GIS projects on the studies of prefectural geography and sub-county boundary reconstruction, both in terms of GIS system designs and historical data collection and verification.